
The six foot museum

The "Museum" has stored and exhibits more than 550 Vorms antiques. Since...

Vormsi Farm Museum in Sviby Pears Farm

Here you can hear and see about local history until 1940-s

Suncrosses cemetery

The world´s biggest suncrosses cemetery

Lost views

You can travel in the time and go into the pictures

Saint Olav´s church

A unique church from the 14th century

Buildings touched by time

Brief glimpse to the past

Rälby Baptist congregation

The headquarters of missionary Lars Johan Österblom

Vormsi lighthouses

Meeting three beautiful lighthouses

Ascension church

Vormsi Orthodox church parish was the only one in Estonia of the…

Vormsi talharpa (bowed lyre) players

Listen to the sound of Vormsi´s ancient instrument

Restored Post Mill in Rälby village

The Rälby windmill is located in the northern part of Vorms island,…
