The six foot museum

The “Museum” has stored and exhibits more than 550 Vorms antiques.

Since the concentration of objects in the museum is high, without the verbal part these things are just old objects. By connecting the heritage memory of the object with the verbal part, things take on a completely different meaning. Verbal description and coherence opens up the lifestyle of the coastal Swedes of Vormsi through object memory and shows well their very good craftsmanship inherited from generation to generation.

In the museum, Ilmar Koppelmaa, who himself grew up in a family of seaside Swedes and spent his childhood in Vormsi, shares explanations. He has been a permanent resident of Vormsi since 1983. Thanks to this, he is the best person who can create a time bridge and introduce the cultural history of coastal Sweden.

The ticket price is €2.50 and includes the service of a museum guide.

To visit the museum, advance notice is required by calling 5201695.
