The Vormsi Municipal Council is a representative assembly of a local government unit, which is elected by the voting residents of the Vormsi municipality on the basis of the Local Government Council Election Act. The council organizes local life in Vormsi municipality by issuing regulations and decisions. As a rule, council meetings take place on the third Friday of each month at the Koolituskeskus in Hullo. All sessions are open to the public, and everyone is welcome to listen.
Council sessions can be watched live: HERE
The 9th composition of the municipal council
Volikogu e-mail:
Kata Varblane
Council Chairman, electoral union: Avatud Vormsi
Phone: 529 8358,
Tanel Viks
Council deputy chairman, electoral union: Valimisliit Tasakaalus arenev Vormsi
Phone 5342 5846,
Jaak Kaabel
Electoral union: Avatud Vormsi
Phone 5885 7127,
Madli Paulus
Electoral union: Avatud Vormsi
Phone: 53031266,
Henry Timusk
Electoral union: Avatud Vormsi
Phone: 514 7678,
Arvo Allik
Electoral union: Eesti Keskerakond
Phone: 5656 5050,
Ivo Sarapuu
Electoral union: Eesti Keskerakond
Phone: 5625 5927,
Committees of the municipal council
Education, Culture and Social Committee
Henry Timusk – chairman
Madli Paulus – deputy chairman
Kristina Rajando
Yngve Rosenblad
Day-Lee Holm
Age Kõiveer
Marju Tamm
Liina Jutt
Hardi Kinnas
Economic, Construction and Environment Committee
Jaak Kaabel – chairman
Kata Varblane – deputy chairman
Arvo Oorn
Jakob Saks
Ants Rajando
Veiko Valdmets
Henry Timusk
Audit Committee
Henry Timusk – chairman
Ivo Sarapuu – deputy chairman
Madli Paulus
Arvo Allik
The 9th composition of the council will be in office from November 10, 2021.